technology is not new if you are born into it
we need to prepare our students for a world we can’t see...
we are starting to see the web as a learning platform - go to the web to learn, find info...
education is taking advantage of new learning models
learning should be open, free and easily accessible - is what you’re putting in place encouraging students to learn outside the classroom?
learning analytics is the next BIG thing
the value of great teachers
evaluating your use of technology in the classroom - is it facilitating learning inside and outside the classroom? collaboration in education
technology is just a tool....
become a 21st Century Teacher: Teach with technology not teach technology
build your personal learning (social) network
teach how to use not BAN - digital citizenship
managing technology - innovation
innovation to make things better
tools you can use anywhere and on anything -
browser = desktop of the future, regardless of device
CTRL F - find box - shortcuts
youtube - can set up own educators channel
project glass -
“learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it”
tools you can use anywhere and on anything -
browser = desktop of the future, regardless of device
CTRL F - find box - shortcuts
youtube - can set up own educators channel
project glass -
“learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it”
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