Thursday, October 11, 2012

ulearn12 - Breakout 4 - iPads in Education: Implementing for Success

Paul Mears

app alert - Artrage, Display Recorder, notability, writepad for iPad (handwriting recognition app), Creative Book Builder, Book Creator for iPad, Discovr apps

Victorian Govt iPads for Learning website

technical support minimal - self managed device

infrastructure is crucial - mobile devices rely on solid robust infrastructure

eSafety curriculum

printing? possible but no need... digitise!!

Handy hints
passcode lock - set at 5 minutes
lock image - when screen locks show photo of owner
accessibility settings - lock in app purchases!
international keyboard
screen protectors

iPads not meant to be/not designed to be shared or moved around from class to class, they are a domestic device, if you create something it only sits on that 1 device - risk is easy deletion e.g. kids make video, next group deletes it and it's gone!

home filtering -

administrative meetings done collaboratively on line so staff meetings are free for professional learning

Yammer - microblogging, like Twitter but inhouse (not on iPad, on laptop/PC), great for collaborating and sharing

Scootle - digistore for iPad

Kathy Schrock -

TCEA app evaluation rubric

eLocker - file sharing

ulearn12 - Breakout 3 - Learning to Inquire

Learning to Inquire: Developing curious minds, and deep understandings for a changing global environment

Inquiry The 21st Buzz Word

Chic Foote - Helix Consulting

Presentation to be uploaded on core site

Learning is inquiry.  Inquiry is without purpose unless considered through the lens of the core competencies and fluencies.

Curriculum mapping...
Concepts and big ideas
Essential questions
Curriculum requirements
Academic vocabulary - think about your learners
Inquiry process

Think critically

Digital citizenship

Fluencies - doing it without thinking
Digital citizenship

Global competencies
Investigate the world - through different lenses, own eyes and others eyes
Take action

If I am an inquiring learner...
Who am I?  What do I do?  How do I behave?

Skills - they will know how to....
Knowledge - they will know that....

Model behaviour of being a learner yourself...

check out

ulearn12 - Keynote 3 - Kevin Honeycutt

Very funny guy!!

relationships with students - ever tried treating the scariest student as the only kid you trust?  try it some time....

flipped classrooms - a million reasons for them - 1 excellent reason is they are rewindable - kids can rewatch/relearn as much as needed

nettiquette.... think about it.....

kids who have grown up with devices make 110 decisions per minute (not necessarily good decisions!!)

teaching and learning is messy.... is should be!!

knock down the walls and connect globally - skype authors, talk to classes all over the world...

don't give kids reasons to fail - kick their butts with love - no deficit theory

give kids a balanced digital diet - what are you doing with the most powerful tools in history?  Don't just snack - create and make

recommended book - The Coming Job War by Jim Clifton

invention - to have an ideas no-one agrees with.... when do kids get to be inventors?

kids need to "get" why stuff matters

we teach brains....

let kids get on with what they can do....

need to teach kids to manage devices rather than devices managing them

if you aren't willing to be bad at it, you will never be good at it

Good teachers plant the seeds of trees that they may never sit in the shade of

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ulearn12 - Keynote 2 - Khoa Do

Amazing amazing amazing speaker/person!

Anything is possible.....

ulearn12 - Breakout 2 - SOLO Taxonomy: A mental model for learning to learn

Pam Hook

Carol DWeck research
children think they are 1 of 3 things... fixed ability smart OR lucky OR fixed ability not smart
one line of praise study
praise effort leads to students staying on task and attempting tasks - they are motivated to keep trying
mis-used praise becomes a dis-benefit... perils of praise

learning is about effort...  effort leads to achievement...  if you didn't achieve even if you tried hard then you need a new strategy...

surface understanding = knowing lots of 'stuff'
deep understanding = relating ideas
conceptual understanding = extending ideas

strategies for moving students from prestructural to unistructural - google define, photo library, email experts etc.

shift from unistructural to multistructural is purely quantitative, shift from knowing 1 thing to many things

shift from multistructural to relational, BIG jump is qualitative difference...  say why... because... explain...
making connections between ideas

relational to extended abstract, ability to look at all connected ideas from outside... overall understanding... see implications...

SOLO Taxonomy vs. Blooms Taxonomy

deep learning outcomes are only achieved if prior knowledge is determined

need learning intentions that encourage multistructural, relational and extended abstract thinking

code WALTs against SOLO - make explicit links

ulearn12 - Breakout 1 - Understanding Inquiry Learning

Lyn Ross

Understanding Inquiry Learning

Inquiry process...
event occurs/interest sparked
research (information saturation)
real problem/focus (define direction; How can I/we...?)
brainstorm solutions
choose best solution
put into action

make inquiry learning explicit to your students - make sure they know they are doing inquiry

start of inquiry... event occurs which draws learners attention to something
could be...
- act of nature
- news story
- local issue
- event
- personal circumstances
- clever teaching!

process of inquiry
- ignite, investigate, explore (become a mini expert), this is longest part of inquiry
- wonder and ask (big question, key words, action questions)
- organise, apply (sort information, decide on resources and key steps)
- action (put plan into action)
reflection should happen constantly through whole process

Levels of Inquiry
Teacher directed inquiry - "co-create", teacher already "knows", most appropriate for levels and those learning inquiry process
Guided inquiry - students more in charge but with guidelines
Student driven inquiry - pure inquiry, students must have certain skills and strategies to work at this level

2 main truths
#1 Authentic Learning
if you're not doing inquiry properly, you're not doing it!!
must be relevant (How is it relevant?)
making a difference to someone, something or some place (outcome/action can be big or small)
should improve my life or understandings
#2 Leads to an outcome or social action

length not important!  inquiry might last a day... a week... 3 weeks, can do "mini-inquiries" under umbrella topic

important to use same model (same words) across whole school

as a staff, define each stage of inquiry
- what do you do in that stage?
- explicit skills to be taught
- possible reflective questions

from Rich Concept develop Learning Focus

variety is important - can't do 1 thing to death!!

encourage rich discussion through use of images/videos (works well in first stage of inquiry)

from BIG question you want to have 3-4 action questions
- keys to answering big questions
- "look-up-able" or "find-out-able" information

have a daily current events session (15 minute 'morning news board')
- developing awareness and interest
- must be robust/authentic
- make use of online newspapers/videos

Thinking Behaviours
- Blooms or Andersons Taxonomy
- Fogerty's Intellect
must have these for inquiry to work - graphic organisers, thinking maps etc. students must know how and when to use them effectively/appropriately
Display - Thinking Toolbox BUT must be hands on availability as well

create a learning wall - blank at start of inquiry, add learning as inquiry progresses

planning examples can be found here on Lyn's wiki

Lyn's ulearn12 presentation

Key Messages:
Big Question - How can I/we.....?
make inquiry learning explicit
must teach thinking skills and questioning skills
teacher directed inquiry is okay! (especially for juniors and when learning process/building skills)

ulearn12 - Keynote 1 - Dr Jason Ohler

New Media, New Kids - New Literacies, New Citizens -- transforming learning through digital creativity - can download presentation

Open doors for students - find what makes them tick, their passions - be a door opener - students will show you what they know if you let them... Let them in with their digital technology, some students lead non digital lives at school and rich digital lives outside of school, BYOD the way to go... Let them use the software they want to use, customised workspaces, make sure to turn BYOD off and talk to each other!  We're mobile and connected, our students more so...

Who's teaching whom?  Students more than capable of teach each other...

Text to media collage shift, art has a place to play in literacy now, new foundation is media collage, shift from "black squiggles on paper" aka writing, language of pictures, movement, colour, design

Digital citizenship

Screasel - screen + easel, paint traditionally and in digital format, in digital format can erase easily

Our students need to be literate digitally...  Shift from words to visual presentation

Is writing best approach for what you're trying to achieve?  Maybe video is a better approach to get message across...

Value writing more then ever, good media is based on good research and good writing...

21C Literacies - reading, writing, maths, art

Hans Roslings youtube clip - 200 countries, 200 years

Give kids the maths to be entrepreneurs...  

In 21C, the degree to which you enjoy learning determines how smart you are...

Students are teaching themselves visual and digital literacies

In a period of exponential change at present...

Character education for digital kids - want kids to understand technology connects and disconnects

Encourage students to be problem finders not just problem solvers...

Leave positive digital footprints

Storytelling, stories stick in memory!  Has to be a problem to make it memorable, rather than just list or sharing knowledge and formulas (rolling ball story)

Give students a focus question when watching any media, encourage them to make notes

Be a discriminating consumer of literacy

A concern is a negatively stated goal!

Don't let anyone stop your students from getting the education they deserve...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

gafe summit 2012

Session 1 - Teacher Dashboard - Manage your room with Google Apps
Definitely need this to try using Google Apps with Year 5/6 students...  see all your students docs, presentations, forms, sites and email at a glance....

Session 2 - Year 5 Point England - Where classrooms are run on Google Apps (and a few other things) 

using google for 4-5 years
Room 13 Pt England School -
everything is done in google environment
solid base of expectations - pedagogy - learn, create, share - via blog, google site, TV channel
sharing is the motivator
values based culture - knowledge of how to behave - term 1 of every year teach behaviour “the point england way”, based around positive statements
content knowledge - upskilling teachers - teachers have to know “stuff” - PD 
pedagogical knowledge - buy in to school pedagogy
evaluative capacity - formative and summative assessment to guide teaching
blended learning - paper and pencils shared (didn’t buy stationery at the start of the year), do science experiments, read books etc.
creating - podcasting, blogs, in school TV station, animation (skills learned from year 1)
families pay $3.50 a week for netbook, families also receive PD in netbooks
netbook belongs to family - community wireless being built, every house within Manaiakalani cluster will be able to access in afternoons, linked to device that family owns
6-8 imacs plus ipads in year 1-4 classrooms, year 5 up 1:1 netbooks (chromebooks from 2013)
google sites - used for inquiry units
classroom sites - links to docs, presentations, blog posts, rubrics - open to the world!
cybersmart - leaving a positive digital footprint - starts in year 0/1 - making students aware that they are visible, cybersmart curriculum is deliberately taught, outcomes and rubrics etc.  smart footprint, smart surfing, smart relationships, smart media (verifying sources etc.), smart and legal (e.g. not downloading music illegally), smart learners, students need to know how to behave in a digital/cyber environment
learn shortcuts when making animations, no need to teach keyboarding skills in isolation, develop skills through daily use
pay attention to/monitor time spent on devices, looking at screens etc. 
google sites has changed way the teachers teach and the way students interact with their learning intentions etc. - pedagogical shift
blogging is getting kids writing - purpose - audience

Session 3 - Google Apps for Work and Play
more ideas for integrating Google Apps into classroom programmes - docs, sites, presentations, blogger
Challenges - internet connectivity, online safety
Pedagogy - collaboration is everything

Session 4 - Using YouTube - Jim Sill
very funny guy :o)
create - collaborate - publish
"Is my stuff good enough to publish on youtube?"  Becomes intrinsic when they start publishing work on youtube... Start working to a higher standard...
Hidden narrative - what happens when camera stops recording?
Cool channels to search for:
CGP Grey
Crash course world history
Minute physics
make playlists
Uploading - locked down, link or open to public
YouTube offers unlimited storage for video
Bottom right turn safety on to get rid of comments
Chrome browser - turn out the lights or youtube options for google chrome extension (removes everything, replay button only!) - filter code - automatically loads youtube for education site, can't override, then create a playlist available to kids

Monday, October 8, 2012

gafe summit 2012 Keynote - Suan Yeo

how we learned is not how our students learn

technology is not new if you are born into it

we need to prepare our students for a world we can’t see...

we are starting to see the web as a learning platform - go to the web to learn, find info...
education is taking advantage of new learning models

learning should be open, free and easily accessible - is what you’re putting in place encouraging students to learn outside the classroom?

learning analytics is the next BIG thing

the value of great teachers

evaluating your use of technology in the classroom - is it facilitating learning inside and outside  the classroom?  collaboration in education

technology is just a tool....

become a 21st Century Teacher: Teach with technology not teach technology

build your personal learning (social) network

teach how to use not BAN - digital citizenship

managing technology - innovation

innovation to make things better

tools you can use anywhere and on anything -

browser = desktop of the future, regardless of device

CTRL F - find box - shortcuts

youtube - can set up own educators channel

project glass -

“learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it”