Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Term 3 - onwards

So here we are again... I really should blog more often!!  Another lead teacher workshop to reinvigorate eLearning at SPS.  Term 2 was lllllooooonnnnnnngggggg and tiring with some intense PD and other pressures leading to a definite drop off in the use of ICT tools and practices in my classroom (despite my Term 2 goals!!)  Every spare minute that I used to grab for blogging, using web 2.0 tools, KidPix modelling etc. is now taken up working with "below expectation" children trying to move them forward.  Not sure if this is adding "value for time expended" and maybe those below expectation children would find some of the web 2.0 tools more engaging!!

Had fun today playing with some new websites and ideas...
http://toonlet.com/ for making cartoons (similar to ToonDoo)
http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/ lots of links to web 2.0 tools
http://mathzlinks.wikispaces.com/home awesome wiki set up by a teacher on sabbatical, set up in numeracy stages then split into knowledge and strategy
http://www.snacktools.com/ make slideshows and flip books plus more
http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au./countmein/children.html links to lots of maths tools and activities suitable for years 1-3
http://www.learningchocolate.com/?st_lang=en vocabulary website for ESOL students

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting us the other day - it is always exciting when we all get together! I think you are doing such a good job under very difficult circumstances and you are always so willing to share .... It's a shame we can't all get together like this more often as we all learn so much from each other - not to mention have a good venting! Just so you know - I have tried to add myself to your blog but when I click 'Join this site' it comes up with an error! So I've added you to my RSS feeds instead! BJ
