Thursday, October 7, 2010

uLearn10 - Breakout 2 - Digistore Learning Pathways

Logins are school based at the moment, individual teacher logins coming very soon.

Can copy existing learning pathways, create learning pathways using existing digital learning objects, add external links and embed objects e.g. a YouTube clip.

Searching options on digistore
- using search box to type key word/s
- by A to Z if you have a particular keyword in mind
- by learning area (Browse Topic)
- nzmaths has a digistore tab with objects relating to specific skills already identified

Use ‘view details’ to see if object aligns with learning intentions/outcomes – quick sifting and sorting.

Once learning pathway is established, students are given the URL to the learning pathway e.g. shared via KnowledgeNET. Each object also has a unique URL so individual objects can be shared with students. Students will not need to login to access the specific learning pathway you have shared with them.

Learning pathways need to be used as part of learning experiences with clear links to learning intentions to have impact on learning.

Guiding questions:
- how does the selection of the digital content reflect the needs and interests of my students?
- how will digital content be embedded into the planned programme of learning?
- how will the integration be supported by relevant offline experiences before and after use?
- what opportunities are there for my students to work cooperatively?
- can the digital content be combined with other relevant digital content and learning experiences?
- how and at what stages of the learning will you reflect on the selection and use of digital content and the impact on learning?

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