Thursday, December 1, 2011

Changes... what lies ahead...

Last lead teacher workshop for the year and what a year it has been!  So tired and overwhelmed by things to do this year with little support as the lone schoolwide elearning lead teacher.  Really looking forward to having 2 terms with no class of my own to enable me to get into classrooms across the school to develop elearning best practice further.
Lots more sharing of ideas and websites today.  Check out these links....
International Children's Digital Library
web 2.0 tools wiki
Rotorua East Lakes Learning Community wiki 
Which famous author do you write like? - connecting students to take action on global issues - useful links for teachers sorted into categories - fun Christmas website for little learners

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Term 3 - onwards

So here we are again... I really should blog more often!!  Another lead teacher workshop to reinvigorate eLearning at SPS.  Term 2 was lllllooooonnnnnnngggggg and tiring with some intense PD and other pressures leading to a definite drop off in the use of ICT tools and practices in my classroom (despite my Term 2 goals!!)  Every spare minute that I used to grab for blogging, using web 2.0 tools, KidPix modelling etc. is now taken up working with "below expectation" children trying to move them forward.  Not sure if this is adding "value for time expended" and maybe those below expectation children would find some of the web 2.0 tools more engaging!!

Had fun today playing with some new websites and ideas... for making cartoons (similar to ToonDoo) lots of links to web 2.0 tools awesome wiki set up by a teacher on sabbatical, set up in numeracy stages then split into knowledge and strategy make slideshows and flip books plus more links to lots of maths tools and activities suitable for years 1-3 vocabulary website for ESOL students

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moving right along...

Been a while since I blogged (obviously)!  Lots of changes have lead to a drop off in the implementation and integration of ICT learning at SPS and there's just me trying to lead the way back on track.  Add to that mix - implementation of learning journals with emergent learners, limited release, students working below expectation,  extra jobs and non-functioning internet and student laptops etc.  But enough excuses.... on to the good stuff....

Spent a day at BDS reconnecting with the Eastnet cluster girls and visiting classrooms to see how far they have come on their learning journey.  Got some fabulous new ideas to try in my classroom...

Writing in a year 2 classroom - some children writing in books (as you would expect to see in any classroom), some children working in pairs on student laptops using a powerpoint (downloaded from communication4all) with images of creatures under the sea beginning work on a story (they drag images in, type text to match etc.), some children working on designing a storyboard in preparation for making a simple animation using digital photos, some children buddy writing in large newsprint books.  The teacher commented that last term when the children just wrote in their books they were very unmotivated and didn't really have an understanding of writing for an audience.  I love these fresh ideas and I will definitely be making similar changes in my classroom programme to reinspire my Year 1's.  So excited again!

ipad2 - I want one!  Enough said... educational apps are awesome!

Comiclife2 - I am going to investigate purchasing this for use on my personal teacher laptop (single licence), drag digital photos in, add text, speech bubbles etc.  Love how the photos are automatically adjusted to fit in the shapes on the comic template. - photo editing tool - literacy activities

web2.0 tools wiki

Term 2 goals:
get class blog going again with regular posts
balance between consuming content and creating content
get publishing cycle established using Kidpix to draw picture
web2.0 tools - glogster,  wordle, wallwisher (as a wonderwall for inquiry?)
make changes to writing programme to encourage writing for an audience with authentic purpose